I recently started using Backbone.js with my existing web application and have found it to be extremely useful for keeping all my Javascript front-end code organized. As my application has a complicated user interface, I realized my JavaScript code was getting out of control and was tough to maintain due to lack of structure.
This forced me to look for options with which I could keep my code clean and in a structured way. And I found there are many JS frameworks that attempt to offer similar benefits, like Backbone.js, Ember.js, Angular.js, ExtJs and so on.
However, I decided to go with Backbone because it is one of the most extensively used frameworks in creating application frond-end. It has a very active community and it is also being vastly used in production for a considerable number of big companies like: Trello, Basecamp, DISQUE etc.
In this blog post, I am going to walk you through the steps required to integrate Backbone.js with Rails application.
First of all, we need to include Backbone gem in our Rails application. So, open Gemfile and include it.
gem 'rails-backbone'
As we have added new gem to Gemfile, make sure to run bundle update to install all dependencies.
$ bundle update
Backbone gem comes with a fancy scaffold generator which will create the required artifacts for your application.
This creates the following directory structure under app/assets/javascripts/backbone.
routers/ (maps HTML routes to actions)
models/ (maintains state)
templates/ (presents clientside views)
views/ (presents model data in the DOM)
In order to setup initial requirements and name spacing, it also creates a coffee script file as app_name.js.coffee.
Create a backbone model and collection inside app/assets/javascripts/backbone/models to be used to communicate with rails backend.
$ rails g backbone:model model_name field_name:datatype
We are almost done. Now you need to edit the index view as per requirement.
$(function() {
window.router = new Model.Routers.ModelRouter({controller: });
Now start the server.
$ rails s
Thereafter, browse “localhost:3000/controller” and now you will get a fully functioning backbone app with rails.
For more doubts and questions, do write to us at support@shephertz.com
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