In my last blog, I explained about how to use connection resiliency feature of AppWarp in multiplayer games. Connection resiliency lets you recover the same connection within the specified time period and continue the game. But in some cases, you need to know the complete information when you were not connected. One such case is the turn-based games as you need to update your state with all the turns happened during the time you were not connected. Since in turn-based games, we also have to take care of missed moves to synchronize the game after the connection is recovered. In this blog, I will be discussing how to handle the turn-based games when a connection error occurs.
When a user misses moves data because of the connection error and recovers it after sometime, he will need the data of missed moves and information about the users’s turn to synchronize the game and check if it is his turn.
To solve this problem, we can use getMoveHistory() API, which will give us last 5 moves. Once you have got the last 5 moves, now you need to know what moves have you missed. I will suggest you to keep the last successful move at the client side and once you get the move history, you can simply iterate over that list and compare with the last successful move you saved and accordingly update your game state with the moves which happened after that successful move. To resolve the issue, follow the steps put forth.
Step 1
Update the last move at the client’s side on every onMoveCompleted event.
[code java]
void onMoveCompleted(MoveEvent moveEvent)
//update the lastmove in local storage
Step 2
On connection error, call the RecoverConnection as discussed in the last blog.
[code java] WarpClient.GetInstance().RecoverConnection();[/code]
Step 3
On receiving the success recovered in OnConnectDone, call the getMoveHistory() API.
[code java]WarpClient.GetInstance().getMoveHistory();[/code]
Step 4
On receiving onGetMoveHistoryDone event, we have to do two tasks.
1. To get the missed moves, iterate the moves array and check the index of last successfully received move. Missed moves indexes are from the last successfully received move index+1 to last one in the array.
2. Get the next turn of the last move in array and check if, the user has his turn.
[code java]public void onGetMoveHistoryDone(byte result, MoveEvent[] moves)
//Get the missed moves
MoveEvent lastmove=GetlastmovefromlocalStorage()
int index=0;
if(lastmove is equal to moves[index])
List missedmoves=new List();
//Check if user has the current turn
MoveEvent lastmove=moves[moves.length-1];
String nextturn=lastmove.getNextTurn();
//Its user's turn so here he can do the same logic as it was in onMoveCompleted event on his turn,and can proceed for calling the SendMove api
This is how you can deal with connection errors in turn-based games.
If you have any queries, do post it at forum.
この問題を解決するために、私達は直近の5ムーヴを知らせてくれるget Move History() APIを使用できます。いったん直近の5ムーヴが分かれば、どのムーヴであなたがいなくなったのかを知る必要が出てきます。私はあなたに、クライアント側で最後に上手くいったムーヴを保存しておくことを推奨します。いったんムーヴの履歴を手に入れたら、そのリストを調べ、保存した最後に上手くいったムーヴと比較します。それに従って、成功したムーヴ後に起きたムーヴを持つゲームの状態にアップデートしましょう。この問題を解決するために、次のステップを参考にしてみてください。
全てのon Move Completedイベントで、クライアント側での直近の動きをアップデートしましょう。
void onMoveCompleted(MoveEvent moveEvent)
//update the lastmove in local storage
接続エラーが起きたらすぐに、前回のブログ書いたようにRecover Connectionにコールしましょう。
On Connect Doneで回復された成功を受け取ったらすぐに、get Move History() APIにコールしましょう。
On Get Move History Doneイベントを受け取ったら、私達は2つやるべきことがあります。
public void onGetMoveHistoryDone(byte result, MoveEvent[] moves)
//Get the missed moves
MoveEvent lastmove=GetlastmovefromlocalStorage()
int index=0;
if(lastmove is equal to moves[index])
List missedmoves=new List();
//Check if user has the current turn
MoveEvent lastmove=moves[moves.length-1];
String nextturn=lastmove.getNextTurn();
//Its user's turn so here he can do the same logic as it was in onMoveCompleted event on his turn,and can proceed for calling the SendMove api
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